My Journey at SIMAD University: From Humble Beginnings to Unexpected Blessings


My Journey at SIMAD University: From Humble Beginnings to Unexpected Blessings

Born into the heart of Somalia's toughest times, I was the firstborn and my parent’s golden dream, their shining hope in a land shadowed by conflict. They saw me as a beacon of success, a role model to lift our family from the storm-tossed seas of adversity. This is a story of hope becoming reality, a tale of perseverance and unexpected blessings. 

In my early years, from memorizing the Quran at a very young age to completing primary and high school, I weathered the displacement that scattered my family across different parts of Mogadishu city like fallen leaves. Sometimes, alone in the wreckage of our home, it was a time of great hardship,  but I always felt a strong drive to excel.

Upon completing high school in 2012, I was filled with dreams of studying abroad. Malaysia was my escape hatch, where I saw it as my opportunity to break free and seek a better education. However, reality struck hard when my family couldn't support this dream financially. Medicine was the next hope, again finances stood as an insurmountable wall, but fate had other plans. I faced the challenge of finding an affordable university that could provide me with a quality education. With limited information, I enrolled in a university that, as fate would have it, no longer exists today. I received a full scholarship there, which seemed like a silver lining amidst my struggles.

However, my father, with my uncle’s well-meaning advice,  steered me towards SIMAD University. A place I initially viewed as a barren wasteland, moreover, leaving a scholarship behind to burden my family with tuition fees seemed unfair. Yet, my family's insistence prevailed, and I reluctantly joined SIMAD at the last moment. Little did I know that this unexpected path would lead me to one of the greatest blessings in my life.

My skepticism about the quality of education in Somali universities gradually faded as I settled into life at SIMAD. My transformative experience at SIMAD University began to unfold. 

In early 2013, marked a significant turning point in my life, and won a prestigious scholarship exclusively for top 3 Universities in Mogadishu including SIMAD. It not only relieved my family's financial burden and allowed me to become financially independent but also it was a moment of immense joy. During my four years, I thrived at SIMAD, building strong networks and connections while performing exceptionally well academically.

Role Models and Mentors

During my time at SIMAD, I found role models who guided and inspired me, particularly Ustaad Faduma Mohamed, my accounting lecturer. Her presence was a powerful influence, and she inspired me to dream of becoming a lecturer myself. I’d often find myself at home, transforming my room into a lecture hall, practicing PowerPoint presentations, and even imagining my name splashed across the slides – a secret, silly dream!

Besides that, Our rectors, Odowa and Dahir, also played a significant role in fostering a supportive environment, personally engaging with students and recognizing their achievements. SIMAD was more than just a place of learning; it was a crucible of transformation. I blossomed under the guidance of extraordinary lecturers. I soaked up knowledge like a sponge, eager to prove my worth and becoming lecturer assistant while still a student was a testament to the belief my mentors had in me.

One memorable experience that lives with me is helping a fellow student, a struggling mother, improve her academic performance. This not only helped her graduate but also deepened my understanding of the subjects we studied together. I learned that sharing knowledge not only benefits others but also enhances your own understanding.

My involvement in the Xajsi government also allowed me to interact with a diverse group of students across different faculties and eventually led to my election as the Vice-Chairperson of the Faculty of Economics and Social Science in 2015. This role was a joyous yet busy time, filled with camaraderie and community service, including organizing public service activities and improving campus facilities. The university became my second home, a place where I laughed and learned. I organized events, and represented my peers. With each achievement, my confidence soared. 

Reflecting on my journey at SIMAD, I realize that the MOOC online courses I pursued during my student years, the reading culture fostered by my colleagues at SIMAD, and the documentaries they shared, all played a crucial role in shaping my career and personal development.

What an adventure! A scholarship, a lifeline in the academic desert, transformed me from a hesitant student to a confident scholar. The walls of the university echoed with the sounds of growth, and I found myself surrounded by inspiring minds. SIMAD became my unexpected oasis.

Igniting a Passion for Writing

In 2015, another pivotal moment arrived when I attended the Mogadishu Book Fair through the SIMAD student government network. Witnessing young Somalis penning their thoughts was a revelation. Among them was someone who would later become a close friend, further inspiring me. This experience ignited a spark within me, not just for reading but also for contributing to our culture and knowledge. 

With exciting hands, I began to write my own book, “Ku Dhaqaaq Isbaddel”. In 2016, that goal came to fruition. I presented my small book that I had written during countless sleepless nights at the Mogadishu Book Fair. To my surprise, the book turned into a bestseller at the event, a beacon for other young souls to change their lives.

Graduating moment arrived! It was a moment of immense pride for me and my family. Indeed,  a victory lap. SIMAD had not only shaped my intellect but also my character. The university's network opened doors for me to new opportunities, and I soon found myself working in the job market and then later pursuing further studies in Development Studies in South Africa. Even while abroad, SIMAD's support continued, with alumni events and visits from university officials keeping me connected to my roots.

Then came 2020, a year that brought an unexpected thrill and the finish line of my Master. Winning the Blog4Dev contest for Somalia hosted by the World Bank, was like striking gold. The outpouring of support, good wishes, and motivation from my colleagues was unforgettable. 

A Proud Alumna and Staff Member

Upon returning home, I was welcomed back to SIMAD with open arms, and given the opportunity to pick any department to join. I chose SIMAD iLab, a decision that brought me rich experiences in my life. As my career began in early 2021, I found the growth environment I had been seeking. I joined a learning environment with team challenges that pushed me beyond my limits. The hard work paid off when I was rewarded with the SIMAD innovation award for introducing new programs for the hub and SIMAD in general. 

SIMAD inspired and transformed me into the person I am today. It also gave me the opportunity to travel around the world, learn from different cultures, and build networks abroad through my role at SIMAD iLab. I am proud to have been a student at SIMAD, and now, as an alumna and staff member, I am equally proud. This place holds a special corner in my heart, filled with love, growth, and the joy of new beginnings. 

While I am still learning and improving myself day by day, I am happy to contribute what I can to shaping my community and inspiring the younger generation. I am proud to be homegrown, homemade, and committed to inspiring others to change their lives. I believe, the environment you live in doesn't define you; it's how you choose to grow and improve yourself that makes the difference. 

Happy 25th Anniversary, SIMAD!

The impact you have had on our lives is undeniable. From shaping young minds to nurturing future leaders, your contribution to our community is immeasurable. Here's to many more years of academic excellence and societal impact!
